Sunday, March 11, 2007


I made two significant (to me) victories today.

One. I can almost stand on my right foot.

I kept pushing myself to ignore the pain and force stepped with my right foot. Slowly, of course. I can let it touch the ground, and with my gigantic ass against the wall, I can lift off my left foot!

One small step for me, one gigantic step for mankind! (Ok, I didn't know where that came from.)

I tried using the support of one crutch and walk, but I couldn't get my ankle to bend. And from two weeks of misuse, my walking muscles are gone cased. I took one step with my right. Put it on the floor. Lift off my left foot and... crumbled.

However, my progress is steady. I believe I can start walking within the next three days.

If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.

And two. I finally went out for the first time in two weeks.

To the Yishun Dam! Stan took me there on his Hayabusa, and I balanced the top of my crutches on his oil tank, carrying the body of the crutches against me.

Stanley and Shirley were there, so were Andy and Murphy and some dudes I'm not close with. After the rest went off for supper leaving Stan and Shirl and me, Andrew and his father came with their CBR and MT01.

Not much races to see today, just a couple of wannabes with P plates spewing smoke everywhere in their bid to see who could reach the next hump first.

I was there for five whole hours, and smoked more than all two weeks combined together. Shiok! Fresh air outside (maybe not so, we were facing some factories in Malaysia) really did me good.

Lazychoo came a short while after Tommy, and sent me home. Thanks for setting aside your pride to come and pick me up.

Anyway, YAY! I am still so psyched! And to think that I never actually was this excited about going just to the dam. I love you Yishun Dam!

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