Tuesday, June 14, 2005

GAH! I forgot all that I wanted to post yesterday. So remember, boys and girls, DON'T procrastinate.

The bird shop was closed early yesterday, so we didn't get to see that sweet AG we found yesterday.

About the AG. It's still learning how to balance. It can walk around on its perch ok, but when I try to walk around with it on my arm, it fell and (surprisingly) cried. Aawww~~~

Oh yea, ahem. Unable to post pictures of Leeling jiejie trying on her wedding gown because the file format disallows me to edit/post it.

My little map turtle is dead. My big red-eared slider munched and mutilated it. Darn.

Baby promises to get me a mini maltese in three month's time. Which in the meantime means, we can't get that AG yet. Because AGs can only adapt to new owners and new pets within the first few months of its life. After that, it will turn aggressive toward other new pets.

My mind knows the logic of this, and the responsibility. But my heart is still with that sweet AG now. What's funnier is that I've volunteered myself to foster some mongrels that Guiness (from MOP) found. Actually I've only just pm-ed him.

Whatever comes, comes.

Sudden urge to smoke again. Must... fight... this.. urge!

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