Friday, July 20, 2007

I wonder...

Have you ever wondered what life would be like had you not taken a certain life-changing step?

Life was originally happy and stable, and out of the blue you did something even you did not understand, that would forever change the entire course of your life. Have you ever had that experience?

I chanced upon his contact today, in a long forgotten book somewhere hidden in my drawer. The mere glimpse of his name brought back countless memories, of a time out of time, long forgotten and lost.

I did something that devestated both myself and him. And from then on I lost his smell and I lost his magic.

Today I stayed at home and wondered what life would be like had I said yes. I wonder if he would still be here and I wonder if the entire course of my life would change dramatically.

Not that I regret it, because my choices ultimately taught me valuable lessons and led me to who I am and what I have now. I just can't help but wonder.. if life would be any different.

Have you ever wondered how life would've been like had you not taken steps leading to what you are right now? To what you have, from what you had.

Would you have been already married? Would you still be working at irregular hours? Would you still believe in magic? Would you even have gotten on a bike at all?

What would life be like, had we all not been brave enough to take a first step?

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