Thursday, April 12, 2007


Just got off an hour-long phone conversation about relationships with FedEx (his name sounds like FedEx).

Kind of surprised at myself for revealing so much to him, I hardly know him because he's only just appeared recently.

Anyway, he makes good sense and he actually did listened to what I had to say. It's very refreshing to have someone listen and (partly) understand in-depth and not rebutting me for my views and opinions.

He didn't sympathize, which is a good thing because sympathizing won't solve the problem. He posed a series of questions and told me a lot of personal experiences in his love life that got me thinking. I am still trying to fully digest what he said and grasp the concept he verbalised before I can think about the next step to take.

For now, I am taking a back seat on the pest control problem and taking in a wider view on relationships.

I knew that by asking for a fairytale I am not letting myself grow up. But I do see fairytales around me. They're very rare, but it can actualize. So for now, I am not giving up my desire for a fairytale. There're just slight changes to a few things though.

For now, smoke less, work more, and getting my friends, my family and my relationship life back on track takes priority.

Til next time (or until I've come up with plans to revolutionize things), yours truly.

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