Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Evening

Stuck at home again.

The very evil Mr. R struck up a conversation with me in the middle of the night yesterday. Yes Mr. R, I will heed your words!

The very evil Mr. R was also the first to msn me when I got home after work today. He asked me in a mock-surprised tone why I got home straight after work even though Lazy wasn't here.

He might not have meant anything, but it kind of struck a chord inside me. Yea, why am I coming straight home after work even though I have nothing to wait for? Even if I had, why am I waiting in the first place? Shouldn't I put my own needs and wants before his? Since he obviously does pretty much that.

Sensitive, sensitive, sensitive. That's what I am too much. Dee W says I have to learn to give and take on the emotions part.

Shit. I think too much. Maybe that's why I have so many strands of white hair.

It's been 8 days of celibacy (read: no sex) and I am going crazy! Argh! Need.... ... ..

*EDITED* By the way Mr R, you should feel very, very honoured. Lazy went through a LOT of shit from me to get me to make even the teeniest change in my blog. You didn't even kena anything. Shiok, hor?

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