Thursday, April 05, 2007

On the Verge

On the verge of sending that letter.

On the verge of giving up completely.

On the verge of raising the white flag.

On the verge of tears.

When suddenly....

"Are you happy being with me?"

He cares. Oh, he cares.


Anonymous said...

hello.. Chanced upon your blog in the recent weeks. Just broke up with my boyfriend over a 6 hr long conversation.. =~( He said so many ultra mean things.. How do u and Lazychoo get through all your arguments?

Anonymous said...

you're really such a crap bitch... you really disgust people some how or rather... yucks.. and all you need is attention...just like a dog. no self confidence at all..gosh!! Lazychoo is really unlucky to have a GF like you.

jazzyme said...

Well, during heated arguments both parties tend to say harsh, hurtful and unconstructive things.

For me I just try to keep my temper in check no matter how angry I am, and try not to use the very harsh words I really feel like using at the moment.

Most of the time Lazychoo will say the meanest things and then regret them, so I learned to take whatever he said with a pinch of salt. Of course, I understand that when your ex said uber mean things, no matter how lightly you pretend to take it, it destroys you inside.

The thing is to talk. We've solved nearly all our problems by talking, except the pest invasion problem. That one we simply siam-ed. Prolly gonna make a comeback anytime soon, but for now I guess we're just agreeing to disagree.

jazzyme said...

To the second anonymous: Yes, and I am soooo lucky to have you making really "constructive" comments every now and then.

usually I don't approve comments with vulgarities, but seriously, I want to show the world what a low-life you are, with your pants high up in anonymity.

Grow up lah, boy.

Anonymous said...

You know what?

I just realised your blog is totally unsuitable for office reading leh~

Girl kissing girl? Relationship angst? Idiot boy sprouting rubbish?

Viva La Visual Stimulation~!!